Policy Corner
Is It Reportable?
During an interview with a practitioner, a state licensing board discovers that the practitioner failed to disclose prior substance abuse on a licensure application. As a result, the state board required the practitioner to complete 5 hours of continuing education pertaining to professional ethics. Should this action be reported to the NPDB?
Featured in the December 2024 NPDB Insights
Guidebook Q&As
Peer Review Organization Negative Actions or Findings
Private Accreditation Organizations Negative Actions or Findings
Exclusions from Federal and State Health Care Programs
Federal or State Health Care-Related Criminal Convictions
Other Adjudicated Actions or Decisions
Policy Guidance
NPDB Technical Assistance: Fraudulent Nursing Degree (Operation Nightingale)
Length of Action Requirement for Reporting Clinical Privileging Actions
When Can Query Responses Be Shared Within a Health Care System?
Medical Malpractice Payments and Sole Shareholder Employees
Medical Malpractice Payment to Non-Patients
Reporting Impaired Practitioners
Reporting Participation in Pretrial Intervention Programs